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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 7, 2016


A foreign business entity or a foreign trader is allowed to establish Representative Office in Vietnam according to the Commercial Law No 36/2005 and Decree No. 72/2006/NĐ-CP dated July 25th, 2006 detailing the commercial law regarding Vietnam-based representative offices and branches of foreign traders.
How Foreign Entity Could Set-up Representative Office in Vietnam
Representative office of a foreign business entity in Vietnam (referred as “Representative Office”) means a subsidiary unit of the foreign business entity, established in accordance with the law of Vietnam in order to survey markets and to undertake a number of commercial enhancement activities permitted by the law of Vietnam.  Representative Office will need to apply and obtain the establishment license; and have a seal bearing the name of the representative office.
Setting up a Representative Office is less complicated from setting up a company in Vietnam.  The Vietnam Department of Trade will be approving the establishment of Representative Office in Vietnam while Vietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment will be the State agency that coordinate the setting up a company in Vietnam.  The time duration to establish a Representative Office is shorter than to establish a company.  There are fewer conditions to meet than conditions in setting up a company in Vietnam.  The main difference between a Representative Office and a company in Vietnam is that the Representative Office could not directly conduct profit making activities.
Rights of the Representative Office:
  • To operate strictly in accordance with the purposes, scope and duration stated in the license for establishment of such representative office;
  • To rent offices and to lease or purchase the equipment and facilities necessary for the operation of the Representative Office;
  • To recruit Vietnamese and foreign employees to work for the Representative Office in accordance with the law of Vietnam;
  • To open accounts in foreign currency and in Vietnamese Dong sourced from foreign currency at banks which are licensed to operate in Vietnam, and to use such accounts solely for the operation of the Representative Office.
Obligation of the Representative Office:
  • Not to directly conduct profit making activities in Vietnam;
  • Not to enter into commercial contracts of the foreign business entity or to amend or supplement such contracts already signed except where the head of the Representative Office has a valid power of attorney from the foreign business entity;
  • To pay taxes, fees and charges and to discharge other financial obligations in accordance with the law of Vietnam;
  • To report on the operation of the Representative Office in accordance with the law of Vietnam
A foreign company which has effectiveness business activities will be allowed to open the Representative Office in Vietnam if this company has real demand to open the market in Vietnam and meet conditions as below:
  • Being a business entity or trader recognized by the law of the country or the territory (hereinafter referred to collectively as the country) where it has been lawfully established or made its business registration;
  • Having been operating for at least one year after its lawful establishment or business registration in its country.
The issuing period will be within 20 working-days after the date of submitting the full valid documents as requested.
At ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam with offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, we are always able to assist clients in licensing and post-licensing matters to help clients with all questions and services toestablish a company in Vietnam or other form of business entities in Vietnam. We could be reached at or office tel: +848 35202779.


Foreigners working in business set-up in Vietnam are expatriates which are normally required work permit in Vietnam.

As the Vietnam law’s restrictions to encourage employment of local employee over foreign employee, normally, the employment of an expatriate is limited to a managerial position or to a position which Vietnamese employee are not yet qualified.
There are exemption of work permit in Vietnam as following cases:
A capital contributing member or owner of a limited liability company which is registered to operate in Vietnam;
A member of the Board of Management of a shareholding company which is registered to operate in Vietnam;
A chief of a representative office or of a project of an international organization or a non-governmental organization in Vietnam;
The foreigner enters Vietnam for less than three months to offer services;
The foreigner enters Vietnam to work for less than three months or to handle an emergency case and that cannot adequately be addressed within Vietnam;
A lawyer who has received a Certificate for the practice of law in Vietnam granted by the Ministry of Justice;
The foreigner is a student studying and working in Vietnam;
An intra-corporate transferee working in Vietnam;
The foreigner provides expert and technical consultancy services or undertakes other tasks with respect to research, formulation, evaluation, monitoring and assessment, management and implementation of a program or project using official development aid (“ODA”);
The foreigner has a media license issued by the MOFA;
The foreigner is appointed by a competent authority of a foreign country to teach at an international school which is managed by a foreign diplomatic office or an international organization in Vietnam;
The foreigner a volunteer;
The foreigner has a master’s degree or higher or similar qualifications and provides consultancy, teaching, or conducts scientific research at a university or vocational college for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days; or
The foreigner implements an international agreement signed by a Vietnamese government authority, a provincial body or a central socio-political organization.

In order for an expatriate to be exempted from a work permit, the employer must file an application with the provincial labor authority.  Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee will be consulted and if approval, he/she will issue a written consent to each employer regarding the employment of expatriate.
In order to ensure compliance in immigration, labor employment, foreign owned enterprises are suggested to consult with employment lawyers in Vietnam.  We at ANT Lawyers, a law firm in Vietnam with offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City would be able to assist clients in employment matters and could be reached at email: or office tel: +848 35202779.

Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 7, 2016


If a foreigner have been sponsored work permit in Vietnam to work or he/she decides to set up a company in Vietnam, he/she could be granted temporary residence card to live in Vietnam instead of applying and re-newing business or travel visas every three months.

We detail here some procedures which help foreigners to prepare for before applying for temporary residence card.
I. Subjects to be granted temporary residence card:
• Members of foreign representative agencies and their accompanying relatives (father, mother, wife, husband, children under 18 years old).
• Foreigners who work with the Institute of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, the Supreme People’s Court, the ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to the Government and People’s Committees of provinces and cities directly under the Central Government and the Central offices of mass organizations, mass organizations.
•Foreigners who work in projects already approved by competent state agencies licensed in Vietnam.
• Foreigners who work with businesses in Vietnam has the work permit valued more than 01 year.
• Persons on the payroll of foreign representative offices and branches of economic organization, culture and other professional organizations of foreign non-governmental organizations based in Vietnam.
• Foreigners staying in Vietnam for other purposes.
II. Conditions for implementation
+ Time to stay in Vietnam more than 01 year;
+ Valid passport more than 01 year;
III. The composition, the number of records:
1) The composition profile, including:
• A written request of agencies, organizations and individuals offering, guarantee and propose for temporary residence card;
• 01 declaration of information of foreigners who apply for temporary residence, with photos and sealed by the agency or organization: A written request for temporary residence card (Form N7A); a declaration about Foreigners applying for temporary resident card (Form N7B)
• 02 3 x4 cm size photographs;
• 01 copies of passport, valid visa, immigration cards (bring original for comparison);
• 01 copies or photo (bring the original for comparison) proof of purpose to stay in Vietnam.
As the case may file appropriate documents: investment licenses, permits the establishment of enterprises, work permit in Vietnam, certificate of board members and permits the establishment of representative offices, marriage/birth registration.
2) The number of records: 01 (one).
IV. Implementing agencies administrative procedures:
Immigration management Department, Police provinces and cities directly under the Central Government.
V. Implementation time: 05 to 07 days;
VI. Subjects performed:  by organizations and individuals;
Please contact us for inquiries through email or call our partners directly at  + 84 912 817 823. ANT Lawyers, your lawyers in Vietnam.


In addition to the cosmetics advertising on mass media such as television, radio, electronic portals (Internet, Website), books, newspapers, magazines, flyers, posters, underwater objects or other means of advertising, the cosmetics business can make or sponsor, authorize other entities to carry out workshop activities to introduce cosmetic products.

The cosmetic businesses are only allowed to advertise, organize seminars and events to introduce the cosmetic products when having the Receipt of advertising, seminar, cosmetic introduction events registration dossiers as prescribed by law.
Cosmetic advertising content must be consistent with the documents proving the safety and efficacy of the cosmetics and must comply with published guidelines of ASEAN cosmetic product features.
1. Services that ANT Lawyers provide for customers:
+ Consultation on the announcement of cosmetics, import cosmetics, cosmetics advertising.
+ Consulting on the registration and documentation of organizing conferences, workshops to introduce and advertise cosmetics as requested by customers.
+ On behalf of customer to fill in the cosmetics advertising registration where business operates or where enterprise organizes conference, workshop to advertise cosmetics.
+ On behalf of customer to contact, work and receive information from the competent State agencies related to the implementation process.
+ Amend and supplement the dossier as prescribed by the competent State agencies upon requested.
+ Inform customers about the validity result from the competent State agencies.
2. Registration dossier includes:
+ Trader registrated to advertise cosmetics, orgasnize seminar, event to introduce cosmetic products.
+ A copy of the business registration.
+ A copy of the cosmetic product announcement card that has been granted.
+ POA of organizations and individuals that announce the cosmetic products for the one who organizing cosmetic seminar, introduction event (in case of the event organization or individual register for advertising, organizing the seminar, cosmetic introduction event which  are the one who held, published cosmetic products).
+ Document disclosures for the features, the use of the product in the case of the advertising contents, the contents presented at the seminar, cosmetic introduction event mentioned features, the use of the product beyond the content stated in the cosmetic product announcement card.
+ 02 advertising scripts (script must clearly describe the pictures, lyrics, music intends to advertise) or 02 advertising forms intend to release (applicable to the advertising registration dosssier) or documents intend to display, release at the seminar, cosmetic introduction event (applicable to workshop registration dossier).
3. Ways to file registration of cosmetic advertising, organizing seminar, event introduced cosmetic products:
a) Cosmetic registration dossier may be compiled for one or more products, can advertised on one or more means of mass media.
Cosmetics advertisement, advertising script can be made ​​for one or more different products.
b) The event, workshop organizing registration dossier may be compiled for one or more products to be held in one or more locations in the province, city
The procedure time: 10 working days from the time when the customer provides valid records and documents as required.
Please contact us at or call us at + 84 835202779.


ANT Lawyers’ real estate legal practice gives client legal advice on real estate legal matters in Vietnam.  We are keeping track with changes in the Vietnam legal environment to ensure giving our client the best advice.  

Real estate market in Vietnam is experiencing a difficult time.  The government has realized that there is a huge demand from the foreigners and oversea Vietnamese investing in Vietnam in owning real estate in Vietnam however the legal regulations on such matter have not yet encouraged them to make the investment.  
The Vietnam Ministry of Construction has enacted the fifth Draft of Law on Real Estate Business (amending), which regulates two new noteworthy provisions relating to the scope of real estate business of foreigners and Vietnamese overseas.
While the current regulations in Law on Real Estate 2006 only allow the foreign and oversea Vietnamese organizations, individuals to establish houses, construction works for sale, lease, lease-buy; to invest, reclaim land and set up facilities on the leased land for leasing.  The new Draft of Law on Real Estate expands the scope to i) rent houses, construction works in order to sub-lease; ii) foreign and oversea Vietnamese organizations or individuals operating in real estate area, foreign invested capital enterprises, branches, representatives of foreign enterprises, investment funds, branches of foreign banks currently operating in Vietnam are also permitted to rent, buy and own the office areas for their own work or for lease; to buy, rent, lease-buy houses according to Vietnam law on houses.
Our real estate lawyers in Vietnam have experience in the field of real estate and we have solutions for our client based on client’s unique situation.
ANT Lawyers is a Vietnam law firm with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000 on Financial and Corporate practice. We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prae Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions. The firm provides a range of legal services as following to multinational and domestic clients.


The Government has issued Decree No. 102/2013/ND-CP dated September 5, 2013 providing for the granting of work permits for foreign laborers to work in Vietnam.

According to this Decree, foreign workers who want to be granted a work permit are required to meet the five following conditions. First, the worker is capable of civil acts as prescribed by law. Second, the worker’s health is suitable for his or her job. Third, the worker is a manager, executive officer, expert, or technician. The foreign workers that provide medical examination and medical treatment in Vietnam, or work in education and vocational training must meet the conditions for provision of medical examination, medical treatment, education and vocational training of Vietnam’s law.  Fourth, the worker is not a criminal or liable to criminal prosecution according to Vietnam’s law and the foreign country’s law. Fifth, the employment of the foreign worker is approved in writing by a competent.  The employer will be responsible for apply application for work permit at least 15 working days before the day on which the foreign worker intends to start working, the employer shall submit the application for the work permit to the Service of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of the province where the foreign worker works for the employer the whole time. Where the foreign worker does not work for the employer in the same province the whole time, the application for the work permit shall be submitted at the Service of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of the province where the employer’s head office is situated.  The duration of a work permit shall not exceed 2 years, and follow the duration of Decree 102/2013/ND-CD also provides about the cases in which the work permit shall be reissued. Namely, these cases include when the work permit is lost, damaged, or the contents of the work permit such as name, date of birth, nationality, passport number, or workplace is changed and when the work permit.  The employers shall be responsible for apply application for reissuance of the work permit to Service of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs that issued it so as to obtain new work permit. For the cases of expiring, the duration of the work permit reissued does not exceed 02 years and follows the duration of particular situations. Where the work permit reissued in remaining cases, this duration is equal to the duration of the issued work permit minus the period of time the foreign worker has worked up to the day the application for the reissuance of the work permit is submitted.  Besides, this Decree also provides the cases in which the foreign worker is exempt from applying for the work permit such as foreign workers working as contributing member, or owners of limited liability company, coming to Vietnam with a period of less than 03 months to offer services.  The cases of revocation of the work permit and expelling the foreign workers also provided in this Decree.
In order to seek further advice, please contact us at or call + 84 35202779.

Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 6, 2016


In general, it is not permitted to own land in Vietnam as a private entity because the land belongs to the people and the State of Vietnam thereby operates as the administrator.

However an ownership of a right to use land is permitted according to Vietnamese Law.  This so-called Land Use Right (“LUR”) Certificate provides the means to lease land from the State for Vietnamese and foreign people.  This LUR Certificate entitles the land users to protect their legitimate rights and interests.  The sale of a house or real estate is in fact the transfer of the rights for house ownership combined with the transfer of the land from the seller.  The right to use land can be directly acquired by different ways that are: lease from the state; sub-lease from a developer of a zone; transfer from another land user; allocation from the state.  The legal grounds for Land and House Law of Vietnam are stipulated in the Law on Housing 2005 of Vietnam as well as in the Law on Land 2003.  The rights and entitlements of holders of house ownership and the holders of the LUR Certificate are settled in this law.
According to Article 12 of the Law on Housing 2005, the name of the individual who holds the house ownership shall be written in the house ownership right certificate and his/her rights are stipulated in Article 21 that include for example the rights to posses; use; sell; lease; donate; exchange; lend or to let other people stay temporarily in the house.  As stipulated in Article 106 of the Law on Land 2003, the one who holds the LUR and house ownership certificate is entitled to exercise the full range of rights over the land/house. As such, land use rights and ownership of assets on the land are combined in the Certificate of Land Use Right and House Ownership Right (LURC).
But the possibilities to acquire land or houses depend on the individual/organization that wishes to do so, because Vietnamese, overseas Vietnamese and Foreigners do not have the same rights.  Especially for foreigners, it was often quite challenging to acquire land or houses in Vietnam. Before the year of 2009, foreigners could not legally acquire property but only could make a joint venture with a Vietnamese company. But the Resolution No. 19/2008(ND-QH12, effective January 2009, started to entitle foreigners to own houses in Vietnam under the conditions that the foreigner 1) is hired by an enterprise that currently operates in Vietnam and 2) must have at least a temporary residence card to purchase and own an apartment unit in Vietnam. This five-year piloting program that would end in 2014 is now discussed by the Vietnamese Prime Minister to continue this program after the first five years to support the real estate market and to make it more attractive for foreigners.
Even though about 80,000 expats live and work in Vietnam, only more than 400 cases of foreigners buying houses in Vietnam could be registered. Of course, this might be due to the difficulties for foreigners to buy houses before this pilot program . But this Resolution No. 19, which was guided by Decree No. 51/2009/ND-CP, still does not make it easy to operate in the real estate market in Vietnam for foreigners because of the complicated procedures to register ownership. After the first 5 years, the government stated to have the plan to review the pilot policy and the Ministry of Construction also opened up for the idea to allow foreigners to buy houses no matter if they work and do business here or if they want to buy real estates in Vietnam.
As the Vietnam’s real estate situation seems to stand before a turning point, it is necessary to keep up to date with all legal changes and developments. Due to the fact that Vietnamese law has special provisions for every organization or individual who wishes to operate with land and real estates related to House Law, it is inevitable to know about this legal circumstances in Vietnam.
ANT Lawyers could assist in different land and house related projects and matters such as land ownership, house purchase or sale and is aware of the differences between provisions on house law for foreigners and Vietnamese. Our professionals could advise clients about possibilities and potential risks concerning real estate laws, housing laws in Vietnam and furthermore could support clients with required procedures with the Vietnamese authorities.
ANT Lawyers constantly researches for the latest legal updates to ensure that we provide best and up-to-date services to clients whom are interested in real estate and and housing matters in Vietnam.
For advice or service request, please contact us via email, or call +84 8 3520 2779.  To learn more about us, please visit  
ANT Lawyers is a Vietnam law firm with international standards, recognized by IFLR1000 on Financial and Corporate practice.  We are an exclusive Vietnam member of Prae Legal, the global law firm network covering more than 150 jurisdictions.  The firm provides a range of legal services as following to multinational and domestic clients.